
Google Kubernetes Engine

Vault: Install The Most Advance Secret Manager on Kubernetes

Vault: Install The Most Advance Secret Manager on Kubernetes

With cyber threats on the rise, organizations must prioritize robust secrets management to protect their critical information. HashiCorp Vault emerges as a leading solution, offering a comprehensive platform to manage secrets and ensure data security.

8grams TechJune 12, 2024
Build Complete Google Kubernetes Engine Infrastructure using Terraform

Build Complete Google Kubernetes Engine Infrastructure using Terraform

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to provision a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) environment entirely using Terraform.

8grams TechNovember 30, 2023
Kong: How to Install Open Source Kong with Database on Kubernetes

Kong: How to Install Open Source Kong with Database on Kubernetes

Kong is an API gateway that offers flexibility in how it's deployed, which is crucial in managing and routing API requests in modern software architectures.

8grams TechNovember 24, 2023
MariaDB on MicroK8s: Setup The Fork of MySQL on Single Node Kubernetes Cluster

MariaDB on MicroK8s: Setup The Fork of MySQL on Single Node Kubernetes Cluster

MariaDB is a community-driven, open-source RDBMS that was created as a fork of MySQL in 2009 by the original developers of MySQL.

8grams TechMay 15, 2023
Couchbase: Setup Distributed Document-oriented NoSQL Database on Kubernetes Cluster - Part 2

Couchbase: Setup Distributed Document-oriented NoSQL Database on Kubernetes Cluster - Part 2

Couchbase offers a package that includes several binaries for quickly installing the Couchbase Operator on a Kubernetes Cluster.

8grams TechMay 11, 2023
GCP 101: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

GCP 101: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

GKE is a managed container orchestration service by Google that's built on Kubernetes, the popular open-source container management system.

8grams TechMay 4, 2023
How to do Database Migration, the right way

How to do Database Migration, the right way

Database migrations are a crucial aspect of modern software development, particularly when working with relational databases. This article aims to provide an overview of database migrations, their benefits, how popular frameworks and libraries handle them, and how we do it.

8grams TechApril 28, 2023
How to setup PostgreSQL Connection Pooling using PgBouncer in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and CloudSQL

How to setup PostgreSQL Connection Pooling using PgBouncer in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and CloudSQL

Database connection pooling is a technique used to manage and optimize the utilization of database connections in a multi-user, multi-threaded application environment.

8grams TechApril 22, 2023
How to install Database MySQL and PostgreSQL on Kubernetes, the better way

How to install Database MySQL and PostgreSQL on Kubernetes, the better way

How to install Database MySQL and PostgreSQL on Kubernetes using NFS Storage.

8grams TechApril 20, 2023
How to setup persistent storage with NFS on GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine), the proper way

How to setup persistent storage with NFS on GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine), the proper way

A Persistent Volume (PV) in Kubernetes is a storage resource abstraction that provides a way to store and manage persistent data for applications running in a Kubernetes cluster.

8grams TechApril 17, 2023

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