RethinkDB: Install Open Source Database for Realtime Apps on Kubernetes
RethinkDB is an innovative database system designed primarily for applications that need real-time updates.
Cloud Native PostgreSQL: Install Scalable PostgreSQL Distribution on Kubernetes
Cloud Native PostgreSQL is a modern solution that encapsulates PostgreSQL within a Kubernetes-native framework, aiming to streamline its deployment, scaling, and management on Kubernetes platforms.
MariaDB on MicroK8s: Setup The Fork of MySQL on Single Node Kubernetes Cluster
MariaDB is a community-driven, open-source RDBMS that was created as a fork of MySQL in 2009 by the original developers of MySQL.
Couchbase: Setup Distributed Document-oriented NoSQL Database on Kubernetes Cluster - Part 2
Couchbase offers a package that includes several binaries for quickly installing the Couchbase Operator on a Kubernetes Cluster.
Couchbase: Setup Distributed Document-oriented NoSQL Database on Kubernetes Cluster - Part 1
Couchbase is a distributed, document-oriented NoSQL database known for its high performance, scalability, and flexibility.
PgPool: How to setup PostgreSQL Load Balancer on Kubernetes Cluster
A database load balancer is a tool that helps distribute incoming database traffic evenly among different servers. Load balancers use algorithms such as round-robin or least-connections to decide how to assign incoming queries to servers.
How to do Database Migration, the right way
Database migrations are a crucial aspect of modern software development, particularly when working with relational databases. This article aims to provide an overview of database migrations, their benefits, how popular frameworks and libraries handle them, and how we do it.
How to install Database MySQL and PostgreSQL on Kubernetes, the better way
How to install Database MySQL and PostgreSQL on Kubernetes using NFS Storage.
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